Jobs at Coast and Harbor Associates, Inc.

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Project Managers

Boston, MA
Owners project management firm is seeking project managers with experience managing the design and construction of large Federal facilities such as office buildings, courthouses, and Coast Guard facilities.

Candidates MUST have experience managing :

·     The design and construction of large Federal facilities, at least two of them with values of over   $50 million,
·     Projects involving the modernization of occupied facilities,
·     Project budgets and schedules,
·     Projects for one or more Federal agency with an active construction program       (preferably, the US General Services Administration),
·     Large project teams including owner, designer, contractor, and OPM staff, and
·     Projects in a multi-stakeholder, demanding end user environment
Additional consideration will be given to candidates who live in Eastern Massachusetts, Northern Rhode Island, and Southern New Hampshire.

Candidates’ submission should include information about individual projects, including the scope of the project, the candidate’s role on the project, and the project’s dollar value. This information can be included in the body of the resume or as a separate project list.

We strongly encourage women and minorities to apply.

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